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Panel and Service Upgrades

As we continue to see the push for electrification, current panels and hydro services may not have sufficient capacity for the increased demand. Our team can help you plan for future energy needs by reviewing your current service and panel capacity while considering your anticipated renovations and upgrades.

Depending on the age of your panel, you may be limited to 60-amp service or still have fuses, which will not be able to handle upgrades to your heating system (Heat Pump), adding an electric Vehicle charger or large additions. New panels typically start at 100 amps but depending on the size of your home and electrical usage (current or anticipated), can be sized larger than 200 amps.

If your panel capacity is adequate, but you don’t have enough space for circuits or need a panel in another location, a pony panel is the solution. This smaller secondary panel is fed by the main panel and gives flexibility for additional circuits or isolation of an area away from the main panel. A pony panel solution is often found in apartments, barns, workshops, and bunkies as the secondary panel has its own main shut off and can be controlled close to the location something is being used.

When upgrading the panel capacity, it is important to know that the service to your home or business can handle providing the new load. Our team will evaluate your current service capabilities and work with your hydro provider to upgrade your service amperage.

Contact our office today to set up a quote for a service upgrade, additional panel or to discuss your electrical requirements.

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M-F: 9-5