Wood Furnaces
At Cook’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning we have a variety of wood burning systems such as wood furnaces. Let our WETT certified technicians install a warm, safe wood system in your home.
In the age of conservation and measuring ones environmental footprint wood burning furnaces can be a responsible choice to a warmer more comfortable home. Cook’s experts are here to help you on your journey to heating bliss. Cook’s licensed and experienced technicians will keep your family and home safe and warm.
Caddy Wood Furnace
The Cadillac of furnaces. The secret behind the Caddy’s outstanding performance is its built-in heat exchanger system, which ensures that heat is transferred quickly and efficiently via the smoke ducts inside the furnace instead of being lost up the chimney. It uses up to 30% less firewood and reduces particulate emissions by as much as 80%. That’s great news for your heating bill-and the environment!
Fuel Type: Dry Cordwood (16″ recommended); Maximum 22″
Heating Area (ft2): 1000 – 2500
Maximum Burn Time: 15 hr
Configuration Options of: wood, wood + electric, combined wood + fuel oil, and a wood add-on
Caddy Advanced
The new generation of furnaces. The self-regulated combustion of the Caddy Advanced promises constant heat, while requiring minimal effort on your part; just fill the furnace, adjust the temperature and enjoy the heat for hours! The system automatically adjusts the air supply so that combustion is optimized and synchronized with the thermostatic demand. The Caddy Advanced has one of the lowest minimum burn rates in the industry.
Fuel Type: Dry Cordwood (16″ recommended); Maximum 21″
Heating Area (ft2): 1000 – 2500
Maximum Burn Time: 10 hr
Configuration Options of: wood and a wood add-on
Max Caddy
The furnace that has the power to communicate, and the largest PSG furnace. Max Caddy’s new streamlined electronic platform makes it easy for different systems to talk to each other. Heat pumps, air conditioners, humidifiers-the Max Caddy easily communicates with all of these appliances using standard industry symbols and practices. Easy-to-identify input and output ports and a blower assembly with prewired main board simplify installation and hookup. And PSG’s touchscreen LCD control module makes input and output control a breeze.
Fuel Type: Dry Cordwood (16″ recommended); Maximum 25″
Heating Area (ft2): 1500 – 3500
Maximum Burn Time: 17 hr
Configuration Options of: wood, wood + electric, combined wood + fuel oil, and a wood add-on