Ultraviolet Light Systems
Ultraviolet light (UV) is a chemical-free, all natural way to ensure bacteria and viruses can’t harm you or your family and since hundreds of litres of water can be treated for pennies it is incredibly economical. Well and lake supplied water can contain microbial contaminants. With no byproducts and simple operation a UV system from Cook’s can ease your worries.
Although we cannot see UV light or rays, we are exposed to them every time we step out into the sun. Ultraviolet systems use special lamps or bulbs that emit UV light of a particular wavelength. The Ultraviolet energy attacks the genetic core of the micro organ
ism and rearranges the DNA /RNA eliminating the microorganism’s ability to function and reproduce. If the microorganism can no longer reproduce, it cannot replicate, therefore it cannot infect organisms with which it has contact.
It is important to properly ‘size’ the UV based upon the application. It is equally important to use a good pre-filter to remove any dirt or debris that may be present in the raw water supply. This dirt and debris can interfere with the effectiveness of the UV rays – virtually giving the microorganism a shield to protect them when passing the UV rays.

• Colour user Interface with full diagnostics and warnings
• 316L stainless steel
• 9,000 hour lamp life
• Quick 1/4 turn lamp removal
• Integrated 10” Big blue housing w/filter and surge protector
• Lamp Failure and Replacement alarms
• Lamp Life Remaining countdown
• 8 GPM Flow rates based on 95% UVT at a dose of 30 mJ/cm2

UV Max PRO Series
NSF Certified
• Available in 10, 20, & 30 GPM models
• Easy 1/4 turn twist assembly
• Intuitive interface operation indicators
• Audible alarm & mute buttons
• Optional solenoid valve
• Optional CommCenter control package
• 316L stainless steel
• Semi annual amalgam lamp replacement
• Includes dual Big Blue 20” pre filters & surge protector
• Certified for public drinking water systems